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Interested in participating in the
2025 DAF Fundraising Report?

Please share a little information about your organization and we’ll reach out as we’re kicking off the 2025 report cycle later this year!

2025 DAF Fundraising Report Interest Form
First name
Last name
Phone number
Job title
Organization name
How did you hear about this study?
What was your total revenue from individual giving (not corporate, foundation or earned) in 2024?
2024 DAF Revenue
Are DAF gifts coded in your database?

If selected, you will be asked to provide 5 years of individual giving data, with donor details masked by unique donor IDs (no PII will be accepted). This data will need to include fields such as Donor ID, Gift Date, Gift Amount, Channel (mail, digital events, etc.), Gift Type (DAF or Non-DAF), If DAF, include DAF Provider Name and if the gift was from DAFpay.​​

By submitting this form, you confirm your organization’s (ORGANIZATION) participation in the 2024 DAF Giving Benchmark Study, and accept the following:


  1. Participating organization (ORGANIZATION) authorizes K2D Strategies LLC (K2D) and Chariot Giving Inc. (Chariot) to collect and analyze data about ORGANIZATION’s DAF data management, DAF marketing, directed gifts, website treatment, and donors in order to produce the 2024 DAF Giving Benchmark Study. This study will evaluate DAF giving, the impact of outbound messaging, and donor behavior for non-profit organizations.

  2. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) will not be collected as a part of this process. K2D and Chariot agree to keep all participant specific information shared as part of this study confidential. Results will be compiled and shared only in aggregate and when reported will be combined with at least two other organizations’ data. K2D and Chariot will not use data collected for any purpose other than for the benchmark study.

  3. ORGANIZATION will be invited to view data in advance before shared with the general public.

  4. ORGANIZATION will be listed as part of the study.

  5. K2D and Chariot retain authority to determine the content and the presentation format for this study.

✅ Thanks! We'll get back to you shortly.

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