DAF Provider Directory
Collecting and organizing DAF data is a rapidly growing challenge for nonprofits.
One notable difficulty stems from the absence of a centralized, publicly accessible list of DAF providers. Without standardized information, gift processing teams struggle to know what is a DAF gift and then name those funding sources consistently in their database. This leads to gift processing inefficiency and analytical errors.
To help with these challenges, Chariot has created an official list of DAF providers—a comprehensive directory of providers and their official names.
This resource equips nonprofits with a shared framework to maintain accurate data structures, streamline gift tracking, and save valuable time. Incorporate this list and naming convention in your business rules for gift processing and begin improving your DAF data today!
If you know of a DAF provider that isn't on this list, reach out to us at contact@givechariot.com.
PLEASE NOTE: This DAF Provider Directory is owned by Chariot and is protected by copyright. By downloading this directory, you agree to use it only for your organization's internal gift processing and tracking purposes. You may not reproduce, distribute, modify, sell, or create derivative works from this directory without Chariot's written permission. While we strive for accuracy, this directory is provided "as is" and will be updated periodically.